The Packaged TLens® facilitates integration of a TLens® on a fixed-focus camera module. It is designed to guarantee optimum TLens® performance across all operating temperatures and storage conditions, and to withstand drop tests in line with the most demanding mobile phone specifications. Integrated in the TLens® manufacturing process and minimizing the steps needed for integration on a camera module, the Packaged TLens® is a cost-effective solution. poLight® will deliver the Packaged TLens® fully function-tested with regards to focusing range and optical quality, resulting in improved manufacturing yield for the camera module. The Packaged TLens® is made of a metal insert plastic over-molding, wire bonding for electrical connections and structural bonding for mechanical performances.

poLight® will offer different versions of the standardised packaged TLens®’s, depending on the customer’s design needs.
The Packaged TLens® integrates with the camera modules by way of:
- Plastic datum feature for auto-centering on the camera module
- Top, bottom and side metal contacts, to allow easy electrical contact to the FPC or another TLens®
The Packaged TLens® can be delivered with ESD and stray light cover, which, as an option, can be assembled at the camera module level. The Packaged TLens® may easily and efficiently be added on to an existing fixed-focus camera module while optimising the performance of the camera. The package is designed to fit most standard camera modules easily and to facilitate rapid design implementations.
In addition, the Packaged TLens® IRSM (Infrared Stackable Multiples) version is based on the standard TLens® family, but its anti-reflective coating has been adapted such that the transmission profile is optimised for the infrared (IR) wavelength range and prepared for stacking multiple TLens®’s (SM) easily to maximize the optical power range.
For detailed specifications and access to datasheets or quotations, please contact poLight ASA